Black History Celebration Service
11:00 am on Zoom Feb 28
Mount Zion
Lutheran Church, Waterloo
We are stirred and guided by God to become an ever more caring, joyful and diverse Christian community, serving all Creation by striving for justice.
Mount Zion is a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Pauline Finch, our self-described bag lady, with samples of her most recent creations made for our Mount Zion Kitchen Food Ministry Program and the Distro Cafe at Luther. Photo: Christine Ramsayer
Kirk Swanson and Ross Schlegel puttng the tree in place.
From left to right, Stephanie Von Schilling, Helga Juergensen, Jane Schlegel.
Pastor Philip reading the Christmas Story to Anne Woolner and her grandson.
The Choir on Christmas Eve
News from Mount Zion
January 6, 2023
Join us for worship in person or on- line at 10 am every Sunday
Scroll to bottom of page for contact information and links to services and activities
Mount Zion remain strongly supportive of continued use of masks for members and rental groups.
Deadline for next edition is Jan 26
2022 Christmas at Mount Zion
Thank you to everyone who participated in making our Christmas services wonderful. Thank you to those who raised the tree, decorated the tree, decorated the sanctuary and lit candles, to those who sang in the choir or sang along, and to those of you who greeted, ushered, read lessons or provided tech services. It all came together in a very meaningful way. Photos are sprinkled throughout the newsletter.
The 2022 Results are In!
Thank you!
After completing the 2022 year-end calculations, treasurer Richard Brubacher writes that our final results in our Ministry and Mission account finished in a much better position than he was expecting., Although we are still in a deficit situation, thanks to your extra efforts, our deficit came in at $27,808, a much smaller number than was anticipated -- an astounding $48,000 smaller.
Member support for benevolence programs was $67,196, another astonishing number.
Please read Richard’s more detailed report here.
Plastic is History – More Food Bag fabric urgently needed!
With the recent phasing-in of government bans on a growing range of single-use or limited-use plastic bags and containers, the need for environmentally friendly food and meal distribution bags for Mount Zion Kitchen and the Distro program at Martin Luther University College will grow in 2023.
Nearly every week, both programs fill more orders than there are fabric bags to put them in. With bags waiting to be picked up and returned, or collected for laundering, more are needed to reach our goal of being totally plastic-free.
More than a dozen Mount Zion members and friends have generously donated many metres of fabric over the past year and ALL of it has been sewn up into more than 200 solid and colourful bags that people enjoy receiving and returning.
Are you doing a New Year’s sort-out, downsizing, or re-organizing?
Please consider donating cotton, linen or cotton-mix print and solid fabrics to be repurposed into food bags. Fabrics used for shirts, dresses, summer wear, slacks, or lightweight curtains are most suitable for our bags.
Donations can be left at the Church Office; just label your parcel “For Food Bags” and it will be promptly picked up. - Pauline Finch (Justice through Service Committee)
Office Notes:
Nurse Christine will be enjoying some vacation time from Jan 14 to Jan 21.
Sarah reminds us that the choir is on winter break until Jan19th.
I will also be away Jan 14 - Jan 21 causing the newsletter to be delayed by one week. The next edition will be Jan 27. Karen Gastmeier
It is with Sadness
It is with sadness that we report that Erna Cassidy passed away peacefully at Derbecker's Heritage House Long Term Care in St Jacobs on Saturday, December 24, 2022, at the age of 98.
A private family celebration will take place at a later date.
Please keep her family in your prayers.
Rest eternal grant him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine on him. Peace, Pr. Philip
Masking Policy Review
It’s the new year and an excellent time to review our masking policy in this publication. At each council meeting, council reviews our current masking policy and adjusts as they, with information supplied by the Health Council, Parish Nurse, and recommendations from synod, feel necessary. We haven’t made any changes for some time. “Masking is highly recommended, but not mandatory” continues to be our policy.
We regret that some confusion has been caused by mixed messages posted on our doors. Some of the posters need to be updated, but one post sign was posted by a group renting the building for an event that was not removed following their event.
Christmas Poinsettias Thankyou
Thank you to those who dedicated Christmas Poinsettias, which graced our sanctuary in honor of your loved ones.
Richard & Susan Brubacher - loved ones
Kerry Joy Townson- parents, Don & Joyce Townson
Joan & Jacquelyn Schweiter - Stan, Velma, Joyce & Grandpa
Stephanie von Schilling - husband, Kurt; sister-in-law, Karin
Ross & Jane Schlegel - family
Hermine Nassau - husband, Willi
Karin Packull - husband, Werner
Joan Brunger - husband, Alfred
Margaret Waechter - family
Karen & Bill Gastmeier - sisters Barb & Lynda, and brother Andrew
Carol & Lloyd Ziegler - parents
John & Judi Penteker - loved ones
Richard & Gloria Heimbecker - parents
Margaret & Roger Tupling - loved ones
Dianne Frombach - husband, Elmer
Helga & Martin Jeurgensen - family
Mary Thompson – family
Ukraine Support Continues
With the start of a new year, it would have been nice to close the door on many tragedies and injustices that seemed to increase daily during 2022, but most of them remain with us and have grown in urgency.
In February it will be one year since Russian dictator Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine. The battle to regain Ukrainians’ freedom continues as Russia escalates daily aggression through direct attacks on civilian infrastructure, often with stealth technology such as Iranian-manufactured drone bombs.
The Justice through Service Committee has provided blue and gold lapel ribbons that you can wear to show support for Ukraine and they are available at no charge in the Narthex. We hope that by wearing one you will be reminded to pray for and support Ukraine in any way that you are able.
Donations are always welcome to CLWR (Canadian Lutheran World Relief) or through other charitable organizations such as UNICEF and CANADA HELPS
- contributed by Pauline Finch
(Justice through Service Committee)
Mark your calendar
The Annual General meeting will be held in person on February 12th 2023 following the service. I'm sure that this reminder about having reports in by Monday is superfluous. :)
Mount Zion Cafe is Back!
The Mount Zion Café continues to offer coffee and goodies on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Please join us. Coffee is on at 10 a.m.
In Our Prayers
In our prayers, let us hold up, the family of Erna Cassidy, Joy and Philip as Joy recovers from surgery, Dianne, Sandra, Jim, Julian, George, Betty, Marjorie, Rosalie, James, Thelma, Helen, Gladys and Don and Jean and their daughter Tai.
Mount Zion Kitchen
The Mount Zion kitchen reopens Thursday, January 12th, with some delicious soups on the menu. Split Pea and Ham, and Tomato Basil. On Jan 19 with be Spaghetti with Meat Sauce and Spaghetti Marinara.
Mindfulness Meditation Practice Continues
Everyone is welcome to attend our Mindful Meditation group every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Meet upstairs. Wear a mask, be fully vaccinated (preferential), and be fragrance-free. Be prepared to maintain a two-meter separation. It is suggested to wear comfortable clothes and bring a pillow, mat, or blanket and water. Open to all—no charge and no previous experience necessary. Just come. Call Henriette Stumper 519.885.3434 for more details.
Upcoming Lessons
Sunday Jan 8 – Baptism of Our Lord First Sunday after Epiphany / Readings
Isaiah 42:1-9
Psalm 29 (3)
Acts 10:34-43
Matthew 3:13-17
Sunday Jan 15 – Second Sunday After Epiphany / Readings
Isaiah 49:1-7
Psalm 40:1-11 (8)
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
John 1:29-42
Links for Worship and more
Sundays 10 am Click on the logo to join the Live Stream Worship
(Recordings of the services are available)
VESPERS 7:00 pm Monday - Thursday evenings
Mount Zion's office tel.: 519 886-5820 office hours: Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
How to contact our staff, while our building is closed:
Pastor Philip Mathai cell: 519-781-5602
Music Director Sarah. E. Cardwell
Office Administrator Margaret Waechter
Nurse Christine Ramseyer cell: 519-588-8006
Feel free to call our cell phones. If we aren't available we'll return your call!