Black History Celebration Service
11:00 am on Zoom Feb 28
Mount Zion
Lutheran Church, Waterloo
We are stirred and guided by God to become an ever more caring, joyful and diverse Christian community, serving all Creation by striving for justice.
Mount Zion is a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

September 15, 2023
Join us for worship in person or on- line at 10 am every Sunday
Scroll to bottom of page for contact information and links to services and activities
Masks are optional at Mount Zion
Deadline for next edition is September 27

Book Study

Celebrating, commemorating, and honouring
We continue to celebrate the Season of Creation while we focus on the theme during our worship, in the music, prayers and preaching.
Confirmation Camp - small but mighty
Summer Lutheran Youth Camp (SLYC), formerly Contract Confirmation Camp, was held this year, after a break of three years, from August 27 to September 1, at Camp Kintail. This camp had its beginnings in the initiatives of Mount Zion. This year we had a much smaller but wonderful camp. The smallness may have contributed to the participation of all and the opportunity to get to know everyone much better. The overall theme was ‘Rooted in God’s Love.’ The four days, we focused on Creation Is Rooted in God’s Love, I am Rooted in God’s Love, the Church Is Rooted in God’s Love, and the World Is Rooted in God’s Love. We had Tessa Connor, Whitney Connor and Ethan Connor attend as campers, and Matias Jyrkama attended as a counselor from Mount Zion. The Kintail Camp facility was wonderful as was the food!
Cathy Connor writes about how much Tessa, Whitney and Ethan enjoyed the week, “They wouldn't stop telling me stories the whole drive home. They all said it was the best week of their summer. . . . I'm so happy they met friends/peers who were also developing their faith.”
Coralee writes about Matias’ response, “Matias was also so pumped when he got home last Friday. What an experience for the rest of us to hear about!”
This was a fantastic week for me too. After 2014, when Anne Woolner and I went in for the evening worship, this was the first time I taught and preached at camp!! Otherwise, I was the tech guy because we had more pastors present!! The camp being smaller than we were used to allowed us to know one another better and also to be mindful of the needs and the presence of all. It was indeed a great week. Pastor Philip
Pastor Philip Away
Pastor Philip will be travelling to India and away between September 27 and October 16. Joy Philip will preach on October 1. Pastor Marie Besong will assist her. Rev. Kristine Lund from Martin Luther University College will preach on October 8, and Pastor Claudine Carlson on October 15.
August Financial Report
Thank you for your continued support throughout the summer. Richard reports that we are tracking better than our plan, but we still have a significant deficit of $56,240 in our Ministry and Mission (current) account.
Thank you to those members who made special donations to help defray the cost of the new heat pump system. We have received $ 13,150 to date. You can read Richard’s full report here.
Council Notes
At our meeting last night, we officially welcomed new member Stephen Brown.
Council continues to work on our Reimagining Mount Zion Initiative. At our meeting Thursday, we discussed drafts of a new mission statement and a set of Strategic Directions under the guidance of Karen Bjerland. We will be seeking your input at a rescheduled meeting on October 22. (The September date has been postponed)
Soup’r Sunday
Mount Zion’s 2023 season got off to a great start with last week’s Soup’r Sunday. After a joyful and music-filled service, we were treated to a selection of homemade soups and Jamaican Patties. Thanks to the Health Council for organizing, the soup makers, and the choir, whose performance was remarkable after only one practice.
Mount Zion Kitchen’s Cookin’
Wonderful aromas started drifting from The Mount Zion Kitchen for the first time since the summer break. Organizers have big plans for this year, including a new option of eating your meals in the Glebe room with others. Pick up your meal as usual and then head to the Glebe Room, where you will find cutlery, dishes, and friends.
Remember to order your meal through Margaret early in the week. Menus for the next few weeks are available here.
In Our Prayers
Your faithful look to you for healing and wholeness as we remember Sandra and the rest of the Millar family, Karen and Peter Bjerland, Brian and Melissa, as they grieve the loss of their loved ones. We also pray for Jake, Mary, Helen, Julian, Arlene, George, Betty, Rosalie, James, Thelma, Helen, and Don and Jean and their daughter Tai.
Prayer Station
The Health Council will again be providing a Prayer Station on the last Sunday of the month, beginning September 24th. It will be held during communion at the back of the church in a private manner.
This is an opportunity for individuals to come with their concerns and requests; prayers will be offered in their behalf by two Health Council members. All are welcome. -- Mary Slethaug, Health Council
Food Card Distribution Reminder
The Justice Through Service Committee sends a reminder that each month we continue to distribute grocery cards to single persons and families in need and who are registered with our program. A warm thank you to the volunteers who carry out the distribution and the congregation for supporting the program with donations. We have sufficient funds for June and hope to continue the program through the summer. Please continue to remember this part of our ministry with regular contributions as you are able.
Mary Thompson, Justice Through Service Committee Co Chair
September means the return of activity.
Move over January, it is said that September is really the beginning of the year. It certainly holds true here as most of our programming returns this month.
p Sept 18, 1:30 pm. Exercise/Walking Grou Come out for a walk with music, stretches and sit-to-stands every Monday afternoon beginning Sept 18. This will replace the Community Support Connections exercise class until they find a volunteer staff person to lead a full exercise program at Mount Zion. Call Marg Tupling for more details.
Sept 26 1:30 pm Health Council’s Fall Book Study There is still time to read this season’s book, The Berry Pickers, by Canadian author, Amanda Peters. Copies are available at local libraries and bookstores, or if you wish to borrow a book for a short time, contact Betty Behm. Meet in the Glebe Room for an incredible conversation.
Sept 27, 10 am Mount Zion Cafe Meet your friends and enjoy a coffee and a few activities at the Mount Zion Café meeting every second and fourth Wed of the month. Sept 27, Oct 1s, 25, Nov .8 & 22, Dec 6
Oct 10, 1.30 pm.Mindfulness Meditation Practice will meet the second and fourth Tuesday of the month upstairs. Henriette reminds you to bring a pillow, mat, blanket, water or nothing (all optional). Wear comfortable clothes and be fragrance-free. Open to all. No previous experience is necessary. Just come. (Oct 24, Nov 14 Nov 28 Dec 12 Dec 26)

Links for Worship and more
Sundays 10 am Click on the logo to join the Live Stream Worship
(Recordings of the services are available)
VESPERS 7:00 pm Monday - Thursday evenings
(Sign in any time after 6:30, Service starts at 7:00 pm)

Mount Zion's office tel.: 519 886-5820 office hours: Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
How to contact our staff, while our building is closed:
Pastor Philip Mathai cell: 519-781-5602
Music Director Sarah. E. Cardwell
Office Administrator Margaret Waechter
Nurse Christine Ramseyer cell: 519-588-8006
Feel free to call our cell phones. If we aren't available we'll return your call!