Black History Celebration Service
11:00 am on Zoom Feb 28
Mount Zion
Lutheran Church, Waterloo
We are stirred and guided by God to become an ever more caring, joyful and diverse Christian community, serving all Creation by striving for justice.
Mount Zion is a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Combined Results of Monkey Survey and Hard Copy Mount Zion Reopening Survey
1. As our government loosens restrictions about church meetings, which of the following best describes your attitude toward returning to a worship service at church? TOTAL RESPONSES: 72
I will return immediately. 1%
I will return immediately if I know and clearly understand Mount Zion’s precautionary measures. 43%
I will continue to wait for a while longer before I attend no matter what precautions are in place. 39%
I will not return until the pandemic has reached its conclusion. 17%
2. It will be required that all church attendees wear a protective face mask. Are you... TOTAL RESPONSES: 72
Ready to attend with a protective face mask. 82%
Not attending if you have to wear a protective face mask. 3%
Not sure. 14%
3. If we held services with no congregational singing (perhaps soloist singing), would you attend? TOTAL RESPONSES: 71
Yes 62%
No 17% Undecided 21%
4. Would you be willing to volunteer on Sundays assuming proper precautions are established for your safety? TOTAL RESPONSES: 72
Yes 25%
No 43% I would consider 31%
5. When Mount Zion opens for in-person Sunday services, would you like us to provide live on-line streaming of the service (via social media) as well as time for socializing (via Zoom) before or after the service? TOTAL RESPONSES: 70
Yes 70%
No 30%
6. We recognize that different age categories have different levels of risk of Covid-19. Please identify your age category below to help us get a sense of what our community could look like if we hold services during this phase of the provinces' reopening stages. What category identifies your age? TOTAL RESPONSES: 72
18 and under 0
19 – 24 1 %
25 – 34 0
35 – 44 3 %
45 – 54 3 %
55 – 64 14 %
65 or more 76 %